7th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Hybrid event, Warsaw | 20-23 September 2022
7th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Hybrid event, Warsaw | 20-23 September 2022
Abstract CPOTE2022-1055-A
Book of abstracts draft

A discussion on mathematical models of steam reforming process for the needs of fuel cells
Lukasz SZABLOWSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, PolandMałgorzata WÓJCIK, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Olaf DYBIŃSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
The article presents a comparison of mathematical models of methane steam reforming. This comparison is divided into two parts. The first concerns the reforming process using separate steam reformers. The second part of the article compares models of methane steam reforming processes directly inside fuel cells. Due to the fact that the steam reforming process takes place at very high temperatures, internal steam reforming can only be carried out in high temperature fuel cells. Therefore, the second part of the article deals with molten carbonate fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells powered by methane. In the case of both of the above-mentioned fuel cells, the methane steam reforming may take place directly on the anodes of these electrochemical devices.
The above-described mathematical models (for both external and internal reforming) were compared based on available experimental data. In this analysis of mathematical models, particular attention was paid to the causes of discrepancies between the mathematical models and the experimental data.
The steam reforming process is influenced by a number of different parameters such as: temperature, the ratio of the amount of water vapor to carbon contained in the fuel (steam to carbon ratio), reaction time, presence of a catalyst, type of catalyst and many others. The models presented in this article were also compared in terms of taking into account various parameters that may affect the process of steam reforming.
Keywords: Methane steam reforming, Internal reforming, External reforming, High temperature fuel cells, Comparison of mathematical models
Acknowledgment: This research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant number 2020/39/D/ST8/02021).