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CPOTE2022 logo
7th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Hybrid event, Warsaw | 20-23 September 2022

Abstract CPOTE2022-1106-A

Book of abstracts draft
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Technological solutions that improve concentrated Solar-Dish technology in Mediterranean area

Giuseppina CIULLA, University of Palermo, Italy
Stefania GUARINO, Università degli studi di Palermo, Italy
Michela LANCHI, ENEA, Italy
Marco D'AURIA, Enea, Italy
Maurizio DE LUCIA, Univeristy of Florence, Italy
Michele SALVESTRONI, Univeristy of Florence, Italy

Among the concentrated solar power systems, the dish technology is characterized by the highest efficiency thanks to the high operating temperatures and concentration ratio values. The main limit to the commercialization of this technology is represented by the high initial cost since they have to compete against the low cost, ease of operation, and reliability of photovoltaic technology. A technical solution to maximize the energy producibility of solar dish systems and, at the same time, to improve their economic profitability, is represented by the possibility of hybridizing the power conversion unit, thus mitigating the fluctuations of the solar energy resource. This solution could make dish technology highly competitive in terms of "dispatching", even compared to PV, as well as particularly flexible from the point of view of adaptability to the territorial context, favoring the use and integration of locally available energy resources. Based on these considerations and in coherence with the objectives of SolarGrid Project, this work is focused on the performance analysis of two dish technologies by examining different scenarios in terms of both geographical location of the installation site and operational strategy, considering different and possible solutions of hybridization of the solar source with conventional or renewable fossil fuel. In detail, the performance of two solar dish systems installed in Italy were analyzed: the dish-Stirling system located at the University of Palermo, and the dish-Micro Gas Turbine system located at the ENEA Casaccia. Thanks to the development of calibrated dynamic models, for the two systems, a performance analysis of the parabolic dish technology was then carried out by examining different scenarios in terms of both the geographical location of the installation site with heterogeneous average annual Direct Normal Irradiance levels (Casaccia, Marrakesh , Palermo, Tabuk and Ragusa), and the management strategy of the plant, considering different and possible solutions of hybridization of the solar source with conventional fossil fuel (natural gas) or in any case of renewable origin. For each hybridization scenario and for each geographic location investigated, different key parameters were identified, like cycle efficiency, solar share, capacity factor and avoided emissions, to evaluate the impact of hybridization and site latitude in a solar dish system.

Keywords: Solar dish, Hybridization, Direct Normal Irradiance, Parametric analysis, Concentrated solar power (CSP)
Acknowledgment: The work is part of the Research and Innovation Project “Solargrid: Sistemi sOlari termodinamici e fotovoLtaici con Accumulo peR co-GeneRazIone e flessibilità Di rete ”—cod. ARS01_00532. The project has been jointly funded by the European Union and Italian Research and University Ministry (MIUR) under the Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014–2020 (PON “R&I” 2014–2020)