7th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Hybrid event, Warsaw | 20-23 September 2022
7th International Conference on
Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering
Hybrid event, Warsaw | 20-23 September 2022
Abstract CPOTE2022-1010-A
Book of abstracts draft

Experimental investigation of porous anode degradation of a molten carbonate fuel cell fed with direct fermentation product composed of bioethanol
Olaf DYBINSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, PolandJaroslaw MILEWSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Lukasz SZABLOWSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Arkadiusz SZCZESNIAK, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Alexander MARTINCHIK, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Degradation of molten carbonate fuel cell fed directly with bioethanol was investigated, and the impact of impurities in the fuel on porous nickel-based anode and steel current collector were analyzed. Bioethanol used for the experiments was produced with yeast Saccharomyces bayanus from fruits that remained as waste and was not used in the winery orchard enterprise, located in moderate climate. The fermentation product was tested to determine the exact composition and characteristics and then fed directly to MCFC anode channel. Steam to carbon ratio of the biofuel has been determined to estimate hydrogen production during steam reforming process taking place in the anode channel. The results in the form of I-V curve was obtained and compared with the same fuel cell fed with pure hydrogen, while the amount of hydrogen was defined as identical as the one after steam reforming of biofuel taking place in the nickel anode channel. Gas analysis of anode exhaust gases was performed during feeding of fuel cell with bioethanol in order to determine its composition and efficiency of the steam reforming process. After experiments, fuel cell was disassembled and anode was investigated under microscope for analysis of carbon deposition and other solid contaminants on the surface of electrode and current collector.
Keywords: Fuel cells, Energy conversion, Biofuel, Alternative fuels, Bioethanol
Acknowledgment: Research was funded by (POB Energy) of Warsaw University of Technology within the Excellence Initiative: Research University (IDUB) programme.